Below are the current studies recruiting participants. Please find a study of interest and fill out the form below.

In this 2-day study, you would be asked to memorize the locations of everyday objects within unique scenes on Day 1 for 1.5 hours. Then, on Day 2, your memory for the locations of those objects within the same scenes will be tested for 1 hour. It is critical that you can participate in this study on 2 consecutive days.
Who is eligible?
18-35 years of age, be fluent in written and spoken English, have normal (or corrected-to-normal) visual acuity and color vision, no history of psychiatric/cognitive problems, and not taking any psychoactive medication.

Join our in-person experiment to help us understand how humans switch attention between working memory and perception! This study involves completing a training session and a testing session with an eye-tracker ($20/hr). Participants may be contacted for a future follow-up fMRI session ($30/hr) if meet our criteria and pass the MRI prescreening.
Who is eligible?
You need to be 18-35 years of age, be fluent in written and spoken English, have normal (or contact lenses, no glasses), normal color vision, no history of psychiatric/cognitive problems, and not taking any psychoactive medication. Your participation will significantly contribute to our understanding of human cognition and behavior.
Please indicate which study you are interested in participating in. If you would like to participant in all available studies, indicate that in the comments section.