Daniela Gresch
Email: daniela.gresch@yale.edu
Twitter: Daniela Gresch
Google scholar: Daniela Gresch
Research Interest
I am interested in one of the key aspects of attention – our ability to flexibly shift between sources of information present in the external world and stored within internal representations. The ultimate goal of my line of research is to identify both the temporal dynamics and brain regions involved in shifting within versus between perception and memory.
Prior Experience
I completed my PhD in Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Kia Nobre, Sage Boettcher, and Freek van Ede. Prior to starting my PhD, I received a MSc in Neuro-cognitive Psychology at LMU Munich and an undergraduate degree in Psychology at Goethe University Frankfurt.
Personal Interests
Climbing, running, cycling, hiking, video games, and ice cream